My Journey

My background is in physiotherapy, but in 2009 I went ‘back to school’ with the intention of retraining as an architect. After completing a foundation diploma in Art and Design at Chelsea School of Art in London, I realised that seven years further study was not feasible at that time but I was still intrigued by 3-D making. As a result, I decided to go small scale and enrolled in a local jewellery making class and after making my first silver ring, I was hooked!

Initially, I was making jewellery for my own pleasure - I made pieces as gifts for friends and family, but when my ‘collection’ began to get out of control, I decided to try selling my work at local craft markets. This was a massive learning curve, as well as being a useful way of finding out who my target audience were and what they liked! With the encouragement of friends and family, I created Ange B Designs and opened my Etsy Shop in 2016.

With Etsy being such a huge pond for jewellery makers, I realised that I wanted to have more autonomy in how I presented my style of jewellery and in 2018, I officially opened my website.

I still work as a physiotherapist part-time and enjoy the freedom this allows me to develop my sustainable brand - whether that be through learning new techniques and making new jewellery designs or sharing my skills through teaching my workshops.